You know I think you rock! Keep on keeping on! Love what you are doing for the women of Tennessee, Aftyn. Georgia is getting just a U G L Y. I wish I could say that it is getting better, but it is going to be an all-out brawl. But, to tell you the truth, I think this is where women excel. We are like cats. We don't fight as much, but, by golly, when we do decide to engage, even the biggest dogs turn tail and run. Why? Because we're fighting for ourselves, our sisters, mothers, aunts, and everyone else, and we're not holding anything back from the jump. Go get 'em, my friend. Make him pay like another of my friends made DJT pay her-and she's gonna collect!
Thank you Rep Behn!!!
You know I think you rock! Keep on keeping on! Love what you are doing for the women of Tennessee, Aftyn. Georgia is getting just a U G L Y. I wish I could say that it is getting better, but it is going to be an all-out brawl. But, to tell you the truth, I think this is where women excel. We are like cats. We don't fight as much, but, by golly, when we do decide to engage, even the biggest dogs turn tail and run. Why? Because we're fighting for ourselves, our sisters, mothers, aunts, and everyone else, and we're not holding anything back from the jump. Go get 'em, my friend. Make him pay like another of my friends made DJT pay her-and she's gonna collect!